adam and i had a great time visiting chris and kimmy in new york! they were great hosts showing us around their city and we were so glad they were there as our tour guides otherwise the subways would have eaten us alive! we were running all over the place doing everything touristy and i took so many pictures i'll have to blog about it in days.
day 1- we took the red eye flight so slept till the afternoon. we went to the museum of modern history which i think adam thoroughly enjoyed since he spent ten years looking at every stinkin thing! later we met up with chris and kimmy for dinner at the shake shack, dessert at magnolia's bakery and walking around times square, which by the way reminds me a lot of vegas minus the people in bright shirts handing out porn.
1 week ago
I love nyc and glad you guys liked it too!! you guys look great and pretty sure I am obsessed with your outfit.
Fun jj! It was great to see you the other night. And speaking of trips... We need to plan girls trip 2011!! Love you
How fun! Glad you guys could take a vacation together! I have always wanted to go to NYC! Hope you guys are doing well.
Where's day 3 and 4 and 5?
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