Sunday, November 21, 2010


newport beach california, between 10th and 11th street. my favorite place in the whole world. ever. i ache for this place on snowy days like today.

all winter long i close my eyes and picture myself in this very spot with the sun on my skin, the waves crashing in the background and the wind in my hair. i already miss summer so much and the snow has just begun. i'm in for a long winter. i wish i could hibernate like bears do.


Brittany said...

I was thinking the exact same thing, except my family's 'spot' is 15th street. Oh what I would give to be there right now...

ashlee said...

I am so with you on this one! I LOVE to hit Cali for Thanksgiving for one last breath of warm air before the snow sets in. Maybe I will have to bring you home some sand from between 10th and 11th St.

Brittny said...

42nd street is our spot. just a little old house on the beach, but it's so nice and cozy with a perfect view of heaven. we are headed there this weekend!! I will tell 10th and 11th hi for you:)

Michelle and Brady said...

How about we just go!!! Maybe like tomorrow???

Cason and Marie said...

It's freezing here!!!!