Monday, May 23, 2011

we got a fever, and the only prescription is more bieber

some of us decided that once the bieb's made it to the dollar movie we had to make a girl's night out of it. we did this weeks ago, it's just taken me forever to post about it. it's my second time paying to see it in the theatre and i'm not ashamed about it one bit. loved every minute!

the theatre was all purple, justin's favorite color. couldn't have been more perfect.


Anonymous said...

Sad I missed it! Looks like a blast! And the purple! How appropriate!

kinsley said...

oh i think i have that fever really bad!!!!!!! hahaha dave is so sick of me and my new favorite movie! he said if we ever see justin bieber he will punch him in the face! hahahah looks like you guys had fun!

Kylee said...

k.....i just became a fan of bieber last night after watching the movie. wish I would have caught the fever a little sooner. Glad you enjoy him too!