Friday, May 6, 2011

this day was a hole in one

yesterday we got out and enjoyed the sunny weather by playing a round of golf

it could not have been more beautiful. to top it off we had some dinner at cafe paesan where i met this guy...

mr jimmer fredette. (funny side note: right before walking into the restaurant i was singing "teach me how to jimmer" so it was meant to be). i debated back and forth whether or not to ask him for a picture. i decided i'd kick myself later if i didn't. he was really nice about it, one more reason to like the guy. adam told him i would want to marry him if i wasn't already married. probably true. the day was a success in my book.


Cason and Marie said...

What a fun outing. You are quite an all around girl. :) Runner, golfer, triathlete, wife, cook, comedian, a beaut, and the list could go on! love ya!